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Sources of Electricity 1

Palak Bhattad

Sources of Electricity 2

Kartika Pinjarkar

Hair Recycle Management Program

Laxaree Sawant

Zero Waste ‘Period’

Aishwarya Raikar

Self Sufficient Selves

Ameya Thanawala

E n Agro Fostering Banks

Karishma Kaur Hooda

Ek din ki CM

Palak Bhattad

Documenting water supply of own house 1

Bhavika Jakhotiya

Documenting water supply of own house 2

Ananya Nayak

Ghop – Dry Toilet Traditional Technology

Group Work

Study Of Traditional Toilets In The Region Of Ladakh

Group Work

Study Of Traditional Toilets In The Region Of Uttar Pradesh

Group Work

Study Of Traditional Toilets In The Region Of Tamilnadu And Konkan.

Group Work

Swarovski waterschool

Group Work

National Water Mission

Group Work

Interlinking of rivers

Group Work

What is Ice Stupa?

Group Work

What Is The Actual Cost Of Mobile Phone?

Group Work

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