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  • DAC_Housing and Futuristic Typologies_In-between Afterlife Terminal | AOA Confluence '22

    Previous Next In-between Afterlife Terminal Email Semester Competition Name Student Name Palavee Patil, Suraj Ighe, Satya Sharma Big Thing :After Life Terminal IV , , : : : : : : : : Competition Brief: The competition explores various different theories of philosophy and expresses it through proposing an imaginative typology for all belief systems that serves as an arrival space for all souls before they embark on their journey of afterlife. Narrative: The Idea of afterlife begins with immortal memories which are taken over by excitement about life beyond.The soul starts it journey from human vessel in form of dispersed energy which is summoned and compressed to spherical form at arrival space by spherical capsule summoners .As it swooshes out towards a central hall it starts recollecting its memories and emotions.Stepping in the central hall the vibes here ignites excitement about life beyond and memories starts fading.The central hall represent the tree of life ,its lights that lits with every new life born and dims with its way towards end.It holds record for whole life of person.This record is passed on with souls..The central spire throws a divine light continuously that creates excitement about what’s inside.Through the divine falling waters the inherited records from central hall decides its further path. The central spire has a infinity light ray passing through center which excites them towards final leave to their new journey.They curiously move along the stairs to finally disperse to their afterlife .The twist here is that the souls experience the same excitement of afterlife without noticing that they actually changed paths according to their deeds .The one going to negative space have turned upside down which is still upside for them towards new life and is a new beginning.The bridge that remains firm in between shows that the initial path was same while it was them who decided the further paths with their deeds.Despite of this ,the departure for both remains as a exciting part for a new beginning of life towards light.Stairs at top opens through and through showing the break through from all barriers of life.

  • Representation_Architectural Design_Drawing In Conversation 4 | AOA Confluence '22

    Email Guide Semester Subject Student Name Miriam Thomas Architectural Representation and Detailing III Ar. Saurabh Mhatre, Ar. Juhi Prasad Studio Conductors Ar. Saurabh Mhatre, Ar. Juhi Prasad : : : : : : : : : : : We began by using the architectural outcomes of our previous AD studio. After being assigned architects Carolina Beevor and Robert Mull, I chose one of his drawings and analyzed it. The challenge of the drawing was to understand the context and patterns involved in the architect’s depiction of a large exhibition space or shopping complex and to apply it to a much smaller studio space, void of symmetry and repetition in its basic form. Previous Next Drawing In Conversation 4

  • Research_Allied Design_Gardens By The Bay | AOA Confluence '22

    Previous Next Email Guide Semester Subject Student Name Aditya Shanbhag, Jayraj Mistry, Aayush Kapse Allied Design - Landscape V Ar. Juhi Prasad, Ar. Shruti Barve , , Studio Conductors Ar. Juhi Prasad, Ar. Shruti Barve : : : : : : : : : : : Understanding the city spaces around the site , the site is centrally located on the seaside such that it brings the 3 parts of the city to a core congregation point . The approach road connects all the parts of the city to a single point . With the available green vacant spaces on the seaside, the city decided to increase its legacy of gardens in the city to the shores . Thus the green waterfront space was perfect to develop and bring the major tourist attraction. The space provided major connectivity to the roadways encouraging the view to attract the visitors. Major attractions around this site were Spottiswoode park , Pearl hill city park , Hong Lim park, Singapore cricket club, War memorial park and Singapore sports club. This shows the high amount of open spaces in the vicinity which can be extended to become the citys image. This site was thus highly suitable to become a city landmark space with high connectivity and the views offered. Also looking at the climatic conditions, it is suitable to bring up the ecosystem of nature into the site and its potential. Gardens By The Bay

  • Research_Design Dissertation | AOA Confluence '22

    Read More Farming As A Means Of Community Building & Social Development Adish Rathod Read More Analysis of simple & complex ordering in the built environment Manan Hingoo Read More Existential Dimorphism: Digital existence x Physical realities Ganesh Beniwal Read More Exploring the applications Phenomenology in Therianthropic ‘subjects’ Atharva Rotkar Read More Krishi Sanvardhan Kendra Ankit Gaikwad Read More Meshing the Binaries Priyanshi Hiran Read More Narrating Death - Architecture For The Dying Harshvardhan Jhaveri Read More Pop-up environments [PUE] and the city space Harsh Dinesh Shah Read More REV[IV]AL : An Attempt to Re-think of an Ideal Village Pradyumna Vikharankar Read More Reinforcing Nagpur’s identity as ‘Orange city’, thereby creating a layer of citizen association. Ojaswi Chauthaiwale Read More Reviving Community Interactions and Activities in the Neighborhood Mansi Parocha Read More Reviving the Golden Ragas: Rejuvenating in the Fused State of Frozen Music and Liquid Architecture Falguni Sakpal Read More Stormwater Sponge Alisha Menezes Read More THE TEXTILE HUB, a place to learn and earn Prajwal Pembarti Read More The Spiritual Transcendence of Sacred Architecture Aishwarya Balsekar Read More VISTARA – a study of India’s space research education and ISRO Muskan Ranwaka Read More Waste: As Material of Construction Prajwal Satvidkar Read More Youth as a medium to change the image of Bihar Akanksha Singh Read More नगरांगण – Exploring Jail Infrastructure as an Urban courtyard. Shivani Pisat

  • DAC_Public Typologies_Language Cons(v)erv(s)ation (People's choice award) | AOA Confluence '22

    Previous Next Language Cons(v)erv(s)ation (People's choice award) Email Semester Competition Name Student Name Jigisha Soni ; Krissh Chavan ; Siddhi Shinde ; Vardhan Arora Uni Linguatheque IV ; ; ; : : : : : : : Competition Brief: The aim of the competition is to design a Language Centre in Newfoundland,Canada. Narrative: Language cons(v)erv(s)ation refers to the goal of the design proposal that is to achieve language conservation through “conversations”. The overall form is perceived as a monolith which is inspired by the concept of a 'Fort'. The design proposal also aims to achieve the tag of a tourist hub along with language preservation. St. Johns, Newfoundland is the easternmost point of the North-American continent, making it a very prominent location, geographically. The city's harbor and its commercial fishing ground attracted invaders through the Atlantic ocean. The site formerly held the Fort Townshend, which was built by the British colonists. A fort precinct stands witness to the cultural change and evolution of its region. It also symbolizes authority and responsibility. This design intervention aims to inculcate the idea of a modern-day linguistic fort that enables the people to converse ideas and stories and be an important medium in conserving languages and cultural identities.

  • Coalesce

    Previous Next Email Guide Semester Subject Student Name Sanika Talekar Allied Design - Interior Design III Ar. Rohit Karekar Studio Conductors Ar. Richa Raut, Ar. Esha Tipnis, Ar. Rishit Jain, Ar. Rohit Karekar, Ar. Shilpa Daga, Ar. Jay Mali : : : : : : : : : : : Rohit is a food enthusiast who turned into a home chef in the 2020 pandemic. He lives with his wife and house help, who helps him in his business. His profession and their minimalistic yet traditional thoughts largely shaped the character of the spaces. The kitchen opened up to the dining area, creating the heart of the house. The kitchen accommodates his needs of having a space for online workshops with proper lighting. Their friends can enjoy Rohit’s delicacies in the dining area or hang out on the balcony while enjoying the sea view. The temporary setting for the maid forms her own space without impeding their privacy. The bedroom has a calm mood, with the bed being a blend of brass leg ends and intricate columns. The bathroom follows a similar theme of minimalism broken by patterned backsplash tiles. Slight curves break the minimalism and tie everything together. Overall, the minimalist and traditional elements coalesce into a distinctive character added to the home. Coalesce

  • Panchratna Building

    Previous Next Email Studio Conductors ​ Semester Subject Student Name Mahir Mody Architectural Theory V Ar. Harshada Shintre, Ar. Nachiket Kalle : : : : : : : : : : Space syntax is a set of techniques for analyzing spatial layouts and human activity patterns in buildings and urban areas. It is also a set of theories linking space and society. Space syntax addresses where people are, how they move, how they adapt, how they develop and how they talk about occupying a space. This theory has been applied on a smaller scale in the study of our own residence, where we are mapping out the levels one has to encounter from the entrance of the building to your study space. Panchratna Building

  • Representation_Architectural Design_Understanding Architecture: Pavilion 1 | AOA Confluence '22

    Email Guide Semester Subject Student Name Cherie Dsouza Architectural Design Studio II Ar. Harshada Shintre Studio Conductors Ar. Saurabh mhatre, Ar. Juhi Prasad, Ar. Harshada shintre, Ar. Joel Roy, Ar. Amey mhatre : : : : : : : : : : : Throughout this exercise, various pavilions around the world were studied. One such pavilion was the Serpentine Gallery Pavilion, built by Selgas Cano architects in 2015 in London. The pavilion was analyzed based on its structural framework, geometry, function, and materials. The circulation inside the pavilion, the user experience, and the richness of the spaces created due to colorful light reflections were researched and studied. A few references helped to understand quantitative data like proportions and measurements. The result was a set of plans, sections, elevations, and an isometric drawing that showed various aspects of the pavilion through different layers. Lastly, an expression drawing was developed, showing how the pavilion acts as a flexible space that attracts a lot of people every year through its intriguing aspects. Previous Next Understanding Architecture: Pavilion 1

  • Research_Humanities_Architecture and Politics (550 B.C - 0 A.D) | AOA Confluence '22

    Previous Next Email Guide Semester Subject Student Name Vardhan Arora, Palak Bhattad, Tarika Deshpande, Anjali Karpate, Aakash Kharade, Vaibhavi Khedkar, Puneet Maru, Laxaree Sawant, Harsh Tank, Pranali Thool Humanities IV Ar.Manjushree Desai, Ar. Ronak Savla , , , , , , , , , Studio Conductors Ar.Manjushree Desai, Ar. Ronak Savla : : : : : : : : : : : Architecture and Politics are two sides of the same coin. The architecture of an era gives us an in-depth insight into the political and cultural fabric of the society in those times. The desire of the early rulers to dominate and leave a lasting impression manifests itself in the architecture of those times. Starting from the division of northern India into 16 Mahajanapadas and the co-existence of the Chera, Chola and Pandya dynasty in the south, the period from 550 BC to 0 AD is one marked with tumult across the land of India, from mass religious conversions to the burning down of monasteries. Rivalries and alliances resulted in many architectural interventions, some of which, like the Kallanai Dam, or the Grand Anicut Canal, are still in use today in perfect condition. Our country's national emblem also belongs to this era, exemplifying the impact left for generations on politics and architecture. Architecture and Politics (550 B.C - 0 A.D)

  • DAC_Public Typologies_The Zest | AOA Confluence '22

    Previous Next The Zest Email Semester Competition Name Student Name Harshil Jain Arch 8 Street A Float IX : : : : : : : Competition Brief: The aim of the competition is to design a floating market. Narrative: Life began in a Single Cell. This cell was sufficient for all it needs. Cell division further led to the evolution of life. Trading became an important part of human life right from the time of Evolution. The advent of public markets is known from the times when humans started to engage themselves in trade. Today, with the increasing possibilities of Life on Mars and the threat of rising water levels due to Global Warming, life on the Earth remains a challenge. The proposal of our design roots to the cell as we intend to design a market where the future generations are able to understand life of the past, where the ocean pollutants become the energy source for them and a place which can adapt to the increasing water levels. The Netherlands is a country that has already tried to establish life on water which also becomes our site for the proposal.

  • DAC_Writing and Illustration_The Archipelago of Concrete (2nd Place) | AOA Confluence '22

    The Archipelago of Concrete (2nd Place) Previous Next Email Semester Competition Name Student Name Laxaree Sawant ,Nidhi knot Neha Jayasanker Concrete in Architecture V , , . : : : : : : : Competition Brief: The competition, concrete in architecture is looking for a graphical representation and essay submissions on the important of concrete in architecture. Narrative: "Concrete in Architecture" is an architecture writing competition organized by Archiol in association with Artuminate. The brief for the same quotes,” What is the past, present, and future of concrete as a building material used in architectural construction?” The competition required us to submit a graphical representation and an essay on the importance of concrete. Since the brief was unspecific, our initial approach to the topic was basic and typical about concrete as a material. We were aware of its negative conceptions and how it is crowned to be depriving our surroundings, but we did not want to pivot around this. Hence our approach was to inspect concrete from a more neutral to a positive perspective. The essay relates to the current needs and diversity of concrete whilst highlighting the steps needed to make it more sustainable and environmentally friendly. We chose Mumbai as the prime protagonist. The juxtaposition of the two end spectrums of society in Mumbai exemplifies the disparities despite a common material factor. Since we also have a personal connection with Mumbai, we could give justice and deconstruct the ideology around concrete in a fresh perspective.

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