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The Archipelago of Concrete (2nd Place)

Competition Name
Student Name
Laxaree Sawant ,Nidhi knot Neha Jayasanker
Concrete in Architecture








Competition Brief:
The competition, concrete in architecture is looking for a graphical representation and essay submissions on the important of concrete in architecture.
"Concrete in Architecture" is an architecture writing competition organized by Archiol in association with Artuminate. The brief for the same quotes,” What is the past, present, and future of concrete as a building material used in architectural construction?”
The competition required us to submit a graphical representation and an essay on the importance of concrete.
Since the brief was unspecific, our initial approach to the topic was basic and typical about concrete as a material. We were aware of its negative conceptions and how it is crowned to be depriving our surroundings, but we did not want to pivot around this. Hence our approach was to inspect concrete from a more neutral to a positive perspective. The essay relates to the current needs and diversity of concrete whilst highlighting the steps needed to make it more sustainable and environmentally friendly. We chose Mumbai as the prime protagonist.
The juxtaposition of the two end spectrums of society in Mumbai exemplifies the disparities despite a common material factor. Since we also have a personal connection with Mumbai, we could give justice and deconstruct the ideology around concrete in a fresh perspective.
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