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  • Research_Environmental Studies_Trullo | AOA Confluence '22

    Previous Next Email Studio Conductors Semester Subject Student Name Simran Khaitan, Kevin John, Suhani Khandelwal Environmental Studies II Ar. Prerna Thakar , , : : : : : : : : : The objective of this exercise was to understand different types of vernacular architecture and how the people native to the place respond to their various needs and limitations based on their geography. The project that we chose was the Trullo house of Alberobello, Italy. We started with researching the place and the Trullo, like how its roof, walls, interiors are designed based on human comfort. Based on these we came up with 12 subtopics for the network map. The aim of drawing a network map was to understand how all of these topics were interrelated to each other. Trullo

  • Research_Environmental Studies_Kathkuni House | AOA Confluence '22

    Previous Next Email Studio Conductors Semester Subject Student Name Sarvesh Kambli, Aditya Srivastava, Aishwarya Joshi, Suyash Dhadiwal, Riddhi Deshmukh, Sanika Talekar Environmental Studies III Ar. Richa Raut , , , , , : : : : : : : : : Frank Lloyd Wright described vernacular architecture as “Folk building growing in response to actual needs, fitted into the environment by people who knew no better than to fit them with native feeling”. The architecture of torajan houses is indegenious to the region and is influenced by the different environmental and cultural factors that can be observed in the indonesian islands. The orientation and the planning of the interior spaces is highly influenced by the direction of the sunlight and the beliefs of the tribe people themselves. Even the materiality and the method used by them to adjust to the local climate has made this structure way more efficient in terms of circulation and articulation within the restricted space. Adding to this, the uniqueness of the way in which they have tackled the problems of modulating the sunlight by covering the structure in a hyperbolic roof form to providing a stilt area for the cattle and also for keeping the house at a elevated height during floods is what makes this truly an great example of vernacular architecture. Kathkuni House

  • College Project_MUMBAI WATERS, A CRITICAL ATLAS | AOA Confluence '22

    Previous Next Semester Theirry Kandjee, Palak Gupta, Aditi Saksena VII, IX Studio Conductors : : : Mumbai as an estuary has had a deep and long relationship with its water terrains. The city has a rich history in its journey from being seven hilly islands to the present metropolitan it is. This project investigates through readings and drawings a simple question “how can we critically acknowledge the evolving relations to mumbai waters over time?” The knowledge created through this inquiry ultimately enabled the discussions of the past, present and future of Mumbai waters. MUMBAI WATERS, A CRITICAL ATLAS

  • Technical_Building Construction_The Infinity Walkway | AOA Confluence '22

    Previous Next Email Guide Semester Subject Student Name Adnan Motiwala, Riya Khinvasara Architectural Building Construction and Materials III Ar. Rohit Karekar Studio Conductors Ar.K.V Parmeshwar Ar. Kanak Kashyap Ar. Rohit Karekar Ar. Swapna Hankare : : : : : : : : : : : The concept of the structure was inspired by the infinity loop wherein the user can experience the pavilion by entering from one side and exiting from the other. The structure is made out of RCC. The structure was designed with multiple levels to make it fun for the user to experience. A staircase along with a ramp was imbibed in the structure adding to the playful nature of the pavilion. A grid of columns was formed to give the structure stability. A column was added at every junction for the same. Along with this a cantilevered slab was included in the design. This slab acted as a viewing deck for the users to view the exteriors of the site. The Infinity Walkway

  • DAC_Writing and Illustration_Authentic Representation - Gender, sex and Sexual Orientation and Inclusivity (Winner) | AOA Confluence '22

    Authentic Representation - Gender, sex and Sexual Orientation and Inclusivity (Winner) Previous Next Email Semester Competition Name Student Name Tanaya Nadkarni Cieda Huluku Design Competition X : : : : : : : Competition Brief: The huluku competition is all about inspiring creative inclusion in the digital art and design world and promoting the development of inclusive digital art which reflects the world. Narrative: The theme of Sexual orientation under the umbrella theme of inclusivity arose from a slinky. It is a spiraled spring toy that creates beautiful flexible patterns of blending colors when it is played with. This is one perspective to look at Sexual orientation- not always permanent with beautiful fluid blending. Furthermore, when it comes to the roles we take up in society, these need to highlight not our labels but our contributions towards the growth of it all. Today, many humans have gone beyond educational stereotypes purely based on their prowesses. This needs to be acknowledged and encouraged.

  • Orientation_A_Group 03 | AOA Confluence '22

    Teaching Assistants Group Members Prachi Mane, Padmawati Thakre, Nupoor Save, Mrunmayee Sarang, Sanskar Khatri, Soumil Bobade, Anushka Kamble, Ravisha Vanjari, Om Patil, Ayush Pallathery Jeel Patel, Anjali Mangale, Poonam Mohape, Vanshika Arora Studio Conductors Ar. Neha Panchal, Ar. Nikita Sharma, Ar. Chintan Shah, Ar. Yagnik Bathija, Ar. Mythili Kowshik Shetty, Ar. Rishi Vora, Ar. Esha Tipnis : : : : : : MIRROR She and I are alike, Both young and keen archaeologists. She and I are oh! so different, She a menace and me a pacifist. We woke up to a cheerful summer morning, And walked up the hill to cure our urge to wander. There we saw Jack and Jill going up the hill To fetch a pail of water. We saw Jack mistreat Jill, I waited and looked into the matter. But when Jill let out disturbing shrill, In Jack, all we saw was our barbaric father. I was poised but she lost control And what came after was slaughter. 'She wanted his scrambled brain' claimed the abused daughter. Next morning with a clean slate, all I could say- "Jack fell down and broke his crown And Jill came tumbling after." I looked into mirror at my bruises, she grinned at me. I was her and she was me. Previous Next Implicating Archaeologist

  • Research_Humanities_Report on Sketches of Frank Gehry 1 | AOA Confluence '22

    Previous Next Email Guide Semester Subject Student Name Palak Bhattad Humanities V Ar. Manjushree Desai, Ar. Chintan Shah Studio Conductors Ar. Manjushree Desai, Ar. Chintan Shah : : : : : : : : : : : Frank Gehry loves to sketch. It is the beginning of his architectural process. From Gehry’s sketches flow the models, one after another, each a refinement, that will eventually become finished buildings unlike any others in the architectural world. It is this sketch quality, what he calls the “tentativeness, the messiness,” that Gehry clings to as a way of guarding against formula or repetition. And it is this sketch quality that Sydney Pollack was so keen to explore in the film SKETCHES OF FRANK GEHRY Beginning with Gehry’s original sketches for each major project, Pollack’s film explores Gehry’s process of turning these evanescent, abstract drawings into tangible, three-dimensional forms: finished buildings of titanium and glass, concrete and steel, wood and stone. Working closely with his colleagues, Gehry takes his sketch ideas and, as quickly as possible, makes them three-dimensional, the better to see how his buildings work, how they fit with their neighbours, how they function most essentially. Model after model is scanned into a sophisticated computer and rendered into working drawings. Report on Sketches of Frank Gehry 1

  • Representation_Humanities_Practicing Humanity (Style: Surrelaism) | AOA Confluence '22

    Email Semester Subject Student Name Dhanashree Jadhav Humanities V Studio Conductor Ar. Amey Ghosalkar : : : : : : : : : There are a number of reasons you may need a block of text and when you do, a random paragraph can be the perfect solution. If you happen to be a web designer and you need some random text to show in your layout, a random paragraph can be an excellent way to do this. If you're a programmer and you need random text to test the program, using these paragraphs can be the perfect way to do this. Anyone who's in search of realistic text for a project can use one or more of these random paragraphs to fill their need. There are a number of reasons you may need a block of text and when you do, a random paragraph can be the perfect solution. If you happen to be a web designer and you need some random text to show in your layout, a random paragraph can be an excellent way to do this. If you're a programmer and you need random text to test the program, using these paragraphs can be the perfect way to do this. Anyone who's in search of realistic text for a project can use one or more of these random paragraphs to fill their need. Previous Next Practicing Humanity (Style: Surrelaism)

  • Manifesto of Supplementary Futurism

    Previous Next Email Studio Conductors ​ Semester Subject Student Name Ameya Thanawala, Krishna Khurusane, Manasa Ravikumar, Vaishnavi Gurnalkar, Pranali Thool Architectural Theory IV Ar. Neha Panchal, Ar. Yagnik Bhatija : : : : : : : : : : The critical analysis of the manifesto of Futurist Architecture, made us realize architecture is not just about the present, It is about past, present and future as well as the people and their diverse needs. What Antonio wished to bring about as well as the needs of Marinetti were very Youth centred. What they didn’t realize is that multiple Generations exist at the given time frame. If architecture evolves with the needs of the people, then all the generations should be considered. We Believe that “ One must Design for the Present, Acknowledging the Past and Being Responsible for the Future”. Also, Architecture needs to have a connection with the people and not just merely exist. They can be living creatures. Dynamism can not only be achieved through form but also by the way the building is interacting with the people at multiple levels. Every individual develops an emotional bond with a building and hence the buildings should also respond in that way. This led us developing the manifesto of Supplementary futurism which talks about “Supplements' ' which can enhance the existing built and unbuilt spaces and can be of a better value to the society. Manifesto of Supplementary Futurism

  • Technical_Building Construction_Folded Plates 3 | AOA Confluence '22

    Previous Next Email Guide Semester Subject Student Name Darsh Seth Architectural Building Construction and Materials IX Ar. Hardik Dedhia Ar. K.V. Pameshwar Ar. Dhara Parekh Studio Conductors Ar. Hardik Dedhia Ar. K.V. Pameshwar Ar. Dhara Parekh : : : : : : : : : : : Understanding the structural integrity of folded plates under varied loading conditions and exploring various possibilities and its applications. Creating a folded plate origami taking inspiration from nature and realizing it in physical form. Further speculating about the architectural manifestation of the resulting origami in real world scenarios. Folded Plates 3

  • Design_Architectural Design_Radialis | AOA Confluence '22

    Email Guide Semester Subject Student Name Cherie Dsouza Architectural Design III Ar. Nachiket Kale, Ar. Amey Matre, Ar. Mehul Sanghavi, Ar. Anshu Choudhari, Ar. Amit Jain Studio Conductors Ar. Nachiket Kale, Ar. Amey Matre, Ar. Mehul Sanghavi, Ar. Anshu Choudhari, Ar. Amit Jain : : : : : : : : : : : The house reflects the qualities of the family as a whole. The family stands together through thick and thin, where each member has an equally important role to play. The house has a sensitive blend of modern style and a slight vintage feel. The immediate context around the architecture connects with the family and brings the calmness of the woods. With the use of pastel themes, simple décor and a courtyard , this house attempts to integrate subtleness across every corner. As the users walk through the house, they would experience the spaciousness of the volumes and the scenic views of the lake from the rooms. After a long day at work, these textures would bring about the warmth of the spaces. The spaces seem to connect but retain their identities. The house also includes elements that symbolise beautiful memories from the past, which the family shall cherish at every chapter of their life. Moreover, the design is based on the idea that humans and cats will live in harmony, in the same house and share the same space instead of demarcating a different one for a cat and their playfulness. Previous Next Radialis

  • Story of Meghdoot

    Email Semester Subject Student Name Rashi Bhansali Mithila Gadag Nidhi Khot Isha Patil Laxaree Sawant Simran Ajgaonkar Allied Design - Landscape Design V , , , , , Studio Conductors Ar. Swapna Hankare, Ar. Devayani Upasani, Ar. Swati Desai, Ar. Shweta Sonakia : : : : : : : : : The Meghdoot is a lyric love poem composed by Kalidasa in the 5th-century CE. “Megh'' translates to “cloud” and “doot” translates to “messenger”, thus this poem is about a cloud who must take the message of a Yaksha, a semi-divine being, to his wife in the Himalayas. Half of the Indian subcontinent keeps the two lovers separate from each other. This compilation is about the Purvamegha, a description of the journey Meghdoot must undertake to reach Alaka, the abode of the Yakshas. The description of the landscape settings has personified certain geographical features, like the mountains and the river, giving them human attributes adding the depth of a personal touch. The journey of Meghdoot starts near the Ramagiri Hills in central India. The path of Meghdoot passes through the varied landscapes of India, from the green hilly terrains of Amrakut hills covered with mango trees to the snow-capped hills and deep valleys of the Himalayas. It passes through various water bodies like river Rewa, river Gambhir and the Mansarovar lake and some populous cities of Ujjain and Vidisha. Previous Next Story of Meghdoot

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