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Student Name
Cherie Dsouza
Architectural Design
Ar. Nachiket Kale, Ar. Amey Matre, Ar. Mehul Sanghavi, Ar. Anshu Choudhari, Ar. Amit Jain
Studio Conductors
Ar. Nachiket Kale, Ar. Amey Matre, Ar. Mehul Sanghavi, Ar. Anshu Choudhari, Ar. Amit Jain












The house reflects the qualities of the family as a whole. The family stands together through thick and thin, where each member has an equally important role to play. The house has a sensitive blend of modern style and a slight vintage feel. The immediate context around the architecture connects with the family and brings the calmness of the woods. With the use of pastel themes, simple décor and a courtyard
, this house attempts to integrate subtleness across every corner. As the users walk through the house, they would experience the spaciousness of the volumes and the scenic views of the lake from the rooms. After a long day at work, these textures would bring about the warmth of the spaces. The spaces seem to connect but retain their identities.
The house also includes elements that symbolise beautiful memories from the past, which the family shall cherish at every chapter of their life. Moreover, the design is based on the idea that humans and cats will live in harmony, in the same house and share the same space instead of demarcating a different one for a cat and their playfulness.


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