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Student Name
Sarthak Ekal
Technical Design
Ar. Geetesh Varte
Studio Conductors
Ar. Richa Raut, Ar. Geetesh Varte, Ar. Rohit Karekar, Ar. Pranay Bhavsar, Ar. K.V.Parmeshwar












The intent and focus of this exercise was to Design the structural detail and explore steel. This structure is taken from previous semester AD project which was originally a school building. A part of this project that is multipurpose hall, library, computer lab, science lab and toilet. Structure has curved arch roof. And structure is supported by a composite slab by using decking sheet and steel joist,Binder,girder etc. Further in details of stairs case, structural member details and joinary details.

Structural drawings in steel 2

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