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Student Name
Palak Bhattad
Technical Design
Ar. K.V. Parameshwar
Studio Conductors
Ar. K.V. Parameshwar, Ar. Milind Amle, Ar. Dhara Parekh, Ar. Pranay Bhavsar












The idea & focus of this exercise was to incorporate all the elements and learning’s of Building Construction & Building Services into the design. The Facade of the Clubhouse was to be designed using either Curtain Glazing/Dry Cladding or a combination of both. Also, the design had to incorporate a Canopy as the Entrance gesture of the building. The same building spaces were used to study and design Basic Services, Electrical Layout of the structure and Acoustical Services of the Auditorium. We were encouraged to explore new materials and design new details.

The proposed Clubhouse is a G+1 structure with an ACP metal clad exterior and Sandwich panel Curtain Glazing system. A massive steel frame glass canopy greets visitors as they enter the edifice. Equitable lighting and acoustics are taken into account while designing spaces. The Structure and Services principles are applied to the project while exploring and inventing innovative ways to achieve the same.

Club House for a Residential Complex 1

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