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Student Name
Aishwarya Balsekar
Design Dissertation
Ar. Akbar Biviji
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Ar. Rohit Shinkre, Ar. Shripad Bhalerao, Ar. Yashwant Pitkar, Ar. Sulakshana Bhanushali, Ar. Nachiket Kalle, Ar. Shruti Barve, Ar. Akbar Biviji, Ar. Harshada Bapat Shintre













Studio Conductors




“At its highest, Architecture has the ability to turn geometric proportions into shivers, stone into tears, rituals into revelations, light into grace, space into contemplation and time into divine presence”- Julio Bermudez.

Sacred Architecture has the ability to help its users transcend physicality. But what is this character of Sacred Architecture that Transcends the sense of Physicality and immerses itself in the realm of the intangible?

Spirituality is often not about the divine, it is about perceiving the process of life at its fullest potential. Spirituality is to see something for exactly what it is and not a version envisioned in your mind. Transcendence is the ability to go beyond the range of limits of a field (of act or conceptual sphere). The ability to transcend is to elevate yourself beyond the physicality of this realm.

Sacred Architecture allows you to feel this Spirituality and hence allows you to Transcend the physical Realm. The true character of Transcending Architecture is its ability to change your emotion to that of a pleasant one. This mood or emotion you feel is what allows you to imbibe your surroundings, allowing you to perceive what truly exists and hence facilitates the notion of Spirituality and Transcendence.

This form of Architecture is the tangible means to see, feel and experience Sacredness and Transcendence.

The Spiritual Transcendence of Sacred Architecture

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