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Student Name
Ganesh Beniwal
Design Dissertation
Ar. Rohit Shinkre
Issuu Link
Ar. Rohit Shinkre, Ar. Shripad Bhalerao, Ar. Yashwant Pitkar, Ar. Sulakshana Bhanushali, Ar. Nachiket Kalle, Ar. Shruti Barve, Ar. Akbar Biviji, Ar. Harshada Bapat Shintre













Studio Conductors




In today’s world, where everyone is so reliant on and involved in digital media, forming a community and molding a space is not limited to the physicality of it. In such a case, how can a physical space be made more diversified and useful to living creatures in order to foster an intimate relationship between space, its users and the city as a whole?

This thesis seeks to investigate the potential of urban built environment as a medium for build a synergial life-space-technology relationship. To utilize the synergy between the physical realities and digital existence to make spaces for the living, to promote accessibility to the medium and creating a cohesive city Identity. This will be achieved –

By establishing public spaces that can enhance the living mind and engage people on multiple levels. By allowing the user to define their own spaces. By integrating the experiences of the digital to the physical. By instilling a sense of public space in its true sense, and by allowing living creatures to interact with the built environment through various mediums.

Existential Dimorphism: Digital existence x Physical realities

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