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Student Name
Aashi Jain
Tech Design
Studio Conductors
Ar. Saurabh Mhatre, Ar. Harshada Shintre










The First Illustration Is A Representation In The Style Of Frank Llyod Wright , Characterized By Hand-Drawn Coloured One-Point Perspective Drawing. The Drawing Depicts Architectural Scheme & Functions Of The Building And With A Perspective View It Showcases The Activities Being Performed Inside The Building. The Viewer Can Grasp The Depth Of The Building Due To Its Semi-Open Envelope And An Open Floor Plan. The Light Colour Shades For The Context Ecology And The Structural Systems Defines The Building’s Purpose And Its Form As An Architectural Value.

The Second Illustration Is A Representation In The Style Of Arata Isozaki , Characterized By Strong Geometric Form Along With The Shadows As A Key Element Of The Building Scheme. The Drawing Focuses On The Exterior Form Of The Building, Highlighted In Red And Its Elevational Expression. The View Point For The Drawing Allows To Grasp The Scale And The Horizontality In Relation To The Ground & Sky Being The Background For This Architectural Foreground.

Arithmetic Modes Representation 1

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