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Student Name
Tarun Panjabi
Architectural Representation and Detailing
Ar. Saurabh Mhatre, Ar. Harshada Shintre
Studio Conductors
Ar. Saurabh Mhatre, Ar. Harshada Shintre












The Taxonomy Of Grids Is A Exercise To Get The Understanding Of Grids Made By Different Artists And Then Creating A Hybrid Of Them. The Angles, Colours, Geometry Used In Grids Were Well Understood And Then The Hybrid Was Created. Later The Hybrid Grid Along With 3 Other Drawings Were Used Created An Intresting Illustration. In Grid The Main Element Of Rotation And Sense Of Changing Scale Were Enhanced. In The 2nd Drawing Of Occupation Event Smaller Basic Shapes And Creating A Kind Of Loop Giving A Sense Of Nonending Motion Were Used. In 3rd Drawing Which Was Landscape Field, The Maon Elements Picked Were The Thicker Walls Creating A Visual Sense Of Viewing Different Things And The Last Drawing Of Figure Building Was Having Elemnets In A Non-Linear Way Creating A Sense Of Different Scales, Connection Between Them Generating Interest.

Taxonomy Of Grids 3

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