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Student Name
Kevin John
Architectural Design Studio
Ar. Joey Roy
Studio Conductors
Ar. Saurabh mhatre, Ar. Juhi Prasad, Ar. Harshada shintre, Ar. Joel Roy, Ar. Amey mhatre












Through the course of this exercise the students had to study various pavilions that have been installed around the world. The pavilion assigned to me was the Serpentine Gallery Pavilion 2002 by Toyo Ito, Cecil Balmond and Arup.
The main aim of the design of this pavilion was to transform the most ordinary spatial form, a cuboid, to something extraordinary.
The architects used a network of lines and velocities to criss-cross through the Pavilion’s box shape. A specially developed algorithm was used to construct the structure of the pavilion: half to a third of adjacent sides of the square, which quickly resulted in a pattern of many crossings. The lines and crossings became supportive steel blades, and a checkered pattern of glass and aluminum panels added to the sharpness of form.
I have studied this pavilion through drawings of plans, elevations and sections, that have been derived by the above mentioned algorithm.

Understanding Architecture: Pavilion 2

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