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Remake and Remodel

Student Name
Ruchi Phatak
Technical Design
Ar. Shripad Bhalerao, Ar. Karan Danda, Ar. Amey Ghosalkar
Studio Conductors
Ar. Shripad Bhalerao, Ar. Karan Danda, Ar. Amey Ghosalkar












The project is based upon exploring various forms and shapes using concrete, aggregate and reinforcements. The project started by making various sketches and finalising one form and figuring out the dimensions of the product. This was done by making process models using file-card material. The shapes were divided in two categories- span and height.

The next step was to make moulds for making RCC models. The moulds were made from sunboard material. These moulds were filled with cement concrete and reinforcements of steel wires. The concrete took 2-3 days to dry up. The products were then de-moulded and documented.
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