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Student Name
Riddhi Deshmukh, Bhavika Jakhotiya, Ganesh Rathi
Foundation Studio
Ar. Mythili Shetty, Ar. Ronak Savla
Studio Conductors
Ar. Anisha Mehta, Ar. Ronak Savla, Ar. Devayani Deshmukh Upasani, Ar. Mythili Shetty, Ar. Neha Panchal, Ar. Parnavi Karandikar, Ar. Rishi Vora, Ar. Shivani Mehta, Ar. Yagnik Bathija












This exercise aimed to imagine and abstract the digital applications into a physical interface for human interactions. These spaces are less focused on productivity all-in-all they are different physical components coming together to facilitate the implementation of abstracted functions of a particular mobile application. Amazon app is a part of the e-commerce industry and one of the largest online retailers with the vision of Earth's most customer-centric company and to build a place where people come to find and discover anything they might want to buy online.

The space developed is for the Amazon app, where Filter and Discount are the core functions employed in the design. The concepts showcasing the feature of 'filter' were to show variation, Radiation, Similarity, narrowing down, Common region, Accuracy, swift, and that of 'Discount' was Ease and Inbuilt. The space features different slits of filters, each with a different mechanism and human interaction. Discount, as a function, has been developed using two distinct pathways - one being an ordinary way while the other slightly elevated, making the child travel a greater distance and apply greater strength to reach near the main screen. This design is suitable in a kindergarten, where the children can use it to play.


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