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Student Name
Shruti Yelane
Architectural Design
Ar. Swapna Hankare
Studio Conductors
Ar. Mahesh Nilakh, Ar. Swapna Hankare, Ar. Shekoba Sanap, Ar. Mahesh Khanolkar, Ar. Rupa Sheth, Ar. Rajan Kulkarni












Overlooking the vast expanse of the Arabian sea, the site offers the potential to be developed as a distinct landmark.
The design aims to form a cocoon for the maritime cadets while developing attributes required for the profession by nurturing their experiences. The intent was to create an open atmosphere by courtyards to break out from the compact spaces of a ship. Ramps are used throughout for universal access to all parts of the campus. The Maritime Museum is a highlight establishing a landmark and thereby attracting attention from maritime enthusiasts all across.

Maritime Institute/ Veterinary Institute 7

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