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The Bee Gesticulation (People's Choice Award)

Competition Name
Student Name
Alisha Menezes
Charmi Mehta
Shruti Sahasrabudhe
DAC Redefining Platitudes








Competition Brief:
Redefining Platitudes demands all members to choose an existing drawing or illustration from their previous projects and develop a narrative which is distinctive from the existing narrative of that project by exploring new mediums, textures, graphic styles, and rendering styles.
Bees, with their short, choppy wing strokes, maneuver in their (work)space with the help of predetermined motion flows which they correlate with the current patterns. They pinpoint visual and physical landmarks along their path, camouflaged for others. These landmarks are categorized according to the edge conditions, colours and textures. Spatial configuration and experience along with visual textures are the features that bees memorize, for their efficient navigational performance.
The illustration talks about the dynamic and structured flow of the bees according to the spatial syntax and experience. The place-markers identified at different locations are diverse in terms of textures, patterns and edge conditions and are allied by the camouflaged dynamic movement patterns of the bees in varied dimensions. The flow of the modular pattern in the illustration resembles the structured and definitive flow of a bee house. And the free flowing form relates to their movement in the world outside.
Humans maneuver in a similar way as that of bees, thus distinguishing their fluidity from rigid modular designs to parametric curves.
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