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Permanent temporariness

Competition Name
Student Name
Samisha Gaikwad
Shruti Bhat
Siddhanti Shende
DAC Redefining Platitudes








Competition Brief:
Redefining Platitudes demands all members to choose an existing drawing or illustration from their previous projects and develop a narrative which is distinctive from the existing narrative of that project by exploring new mediums, textures, graphic styles, and rendering styles.
“Purified by fire, the memory lives in the heights as a beautiful idea; and death is naught but an immortal birth cradled in flame.”
Cremation embodies the idea of “ashes to ashes, dust to dust”. The warmth and light of the fire erase the darkness and death, taking the soul to a new infinite birth. The memory is the only remnant, all physicality has disappeared, so the soul is free from all Earthly bounds. Fire becomes a triumph over the darkness of death.
The crematorium embodies the idea of transition of the soul or memory to the next world or plane of being. It is a place for metaphysical transition, a place not only for ‘memorialization’ but also a link to a world or existence beyond the Earthly.
The central bowl-like contours naturally radiate towards the eternal infinity, sea. These are interactive with other spaces such that alternate compressive and explosive experiences are created in the design.
Our design completes itself as a tangible built structure as well as an intangible experience of reconciliation of grief. When looking at it as a whole complete entity we can see a beautiful amalgamation of natural elements like the air (wind from the sea), fire (burning of the pyres), earth (contours), water (burning of the pyres) and finally the eternal afterlife (which is the final journey of the soul ascending upward begins).

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