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A Celebration like no other

Competition Name
Student Name
Abhishek Suryavanshi
Ganesh Beniwal
Sandesh Jadhav
DAC Redefining Platitudes








Competition Brief:
Redefining Platitudes demands all members to choose an existing drawing or illustration from their previous projects and develop a narrative which is distinctive from the existing narrative of that project by exploring new mediums, textures, graphic styles, and rendering styles.
“The flowers are blooming because the bipeds no longer snatch them away, they now have a future to look forward to, when the roses rise and everything begins again!”

The Tank is the only oasis in the midst of all this destruction, being a source of sustenance in itself. All the things they made, none of them are safe now.

And why are all these other wonderful creatures here you ask? Well, they are here to take what was already meant for them from the beginning. You see, these multiple visions we have for the future, the stress we give to human existence and experiences and neglect all the other ones just creates a greater divide between the whole world and us.

So, representations should be as elusive as the projects they represent. Letting go of false ideas, focusing less on the exclusionary functions and definitions that we give to spaces we make, we should move forward to a world where we show the impact that the project actually has on this planet, not the fancy attractive visions that give illusions of hope and wellness, where there is none!
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