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Ar. Amit Jain

Design Innovation In Architecture

Shwetha Manikshetti

Heat Gain and ventilation evaluation of a passive response building

Ar. Rajratna Jadhav

Heritage Conservation: Perspective and the challenges

Poorva patil

Know and Make Film

Nilkanth Damle, Chintan Shah

Origami - Beyond models

Shrikant Bharghav Bhide

Paper Automata - Not just paper toys

Kartik Gala

Project Management Consultancy

Ar. Kanak Kashyap

Re-imagining Urban Bult Environments In indian Cities

Swetha Kutty


Ar. Harshada Shintre, Ar.
Karan Danda

The Ministry of Stories and Posters

Siddha Kannur

Understanding Sculpting in different materials


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