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Studio Conductors
Student Name
Harshita Barish, Tarika Deshpande, Arya Jumde, Prajakta Pai, Harshwardhan Shirpurkar, Aditi Wadate
Architectural Theory
Ar. Neha Panchal, Ar. Yagnik Bhatija











The critical analysis of the manifesto complexity and contradiction, made us realize how the ideology of an architect reflects and permeates into society. The exposure, discussion, and critique of the manifesto written by Robert Venturi set precedence to conceive and simulate the ideals that he set as the new order. We tried to illustrate the complexities and contradictions involved in architecture using examples of architectural productions of the author and other architects impacted by the same ideals. The study involved understanding the era and circumstances under which the manifesto originated, how history influenced architecture, and the rise of postmodernism in architecture and further stating our aspirations and beliefs for a resilient future.

The Hybrid dawn: Technology X Indigene

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