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Student Name
Sanchita Tandel, Bhoomika Chaudhari, Atharva Girme
Allied Design - Landscape
Ar. Swapna Hankare, Ar. Devayani Deshmukh Upasani, Ar. Swati Desai, Ar. Shweta Sharma
Studio Conductors
Ar. Swapna Hankare, Ar. Devayani Deshmukh Upasani, Ar. Swati Desai, Ar. Shweta Sharma












The context and onsite features have been tackled with sensitivity while being low maintenance.
The design emphasizes being user-centric, creating two major types of landscape- recreational and commercial
We have considered a family of three and a housekeeper as the users of the site.
The meandering pathway from the center goes through stepping stones on the river. Taking a few stone steps we reach the labyrinth that is an open contemplating space surrounded by a thick grove of trees. The lotus pond is a water feature harnessing the nature water line on site that acts as an interesting element along the pathway that ends in a labyrinth.
The naturopathy center is approached from a pathway that is also designed as a part reflexology pathway. The reflexology pathway is made up of different varying textures to induce an intended therapy of walking barefooted on the ground. The pathway is lined with medicinal shrubs and trees like tulsi, amla, and other medicinal plants. The specialty of these pathways is that they have plant islands in between inducing an interesting movement.

Design of a residential landscape 1

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